Photo Caption: This blow-up figure sits atop of the Tel Aviv City Hill. I have no idea what it is or anything of its history or symbolism. I only know that when I am lost, which is often, I look up and orient myself, IT has become my geographic compass, perhaps when I learn its meaning, it will become my moral compass.
Starting with my next blog I will discontinue the numbering of the days. I am doing this in deference to my friends who still get up every morning and are the bitter hard-working people who presumably support Hillary, unlike us more highly educated latte-sipping Obama supporters. So for those of you who might have been thinking, “I guess its another day that Howard didn’t do anything,” you will no longer be able to keep track.
Today I woke up and turned on the TV and discovered a wonderful educational experience. It was an exercise class with 5 beautiful Israeli women and a good looking Israeli male instructor. I lounged back in my chair to enjoy and suddenly the women were exercising all around and the man was going: ahat, shtime, shahlosh, arbah, hahmesh, sesh, shevah, shmohneh, taysha, esair. And he kept doing this over and over again. Then I realized, I know these words, they must be numbers. So I sat there (mentally) exercising for about a half hour until I was exhausted. I’ve decided this is some kind of Sesame Street for old Jewish guys. The only problem is when I go to the store to buy something I find myself trying to keep the cost under esair shekels so I can speak in Hebrew, once we get in the teens or god forbid the 20+ I get nervous and start babbling in English. But you would be surprised how much you can buy for esair shekels ($3)
I’m going to spare you a blog for days 13 and 14 which I was going to entitle: The Search for the Perfect T-Shirt and The Search for the Perfect Cereal Bowl. Suffice it to say both projects were very successful on a practical level, but not that interesting as a blog.
BTW: I just noticed that my Blog has been picked up on Google. I’m not sure that’s a good thing, I think that means I can’t joke about some things like knowing were Osama bin Laden lives. Isn’t this exactly the kind of “internet chatter” that the CIA and Homeland Security moniter and causes changes in the security warning light colors?
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